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Showing posts from October, 2017


Bagi yg kurang arif dgn makanan kelantan, ni mungkin pertama kali korang nampak makanan ni. Nama samaran nya "sugha" (pronounce su - mcm susu- gha -mcm lara cuma biasa pelat klate ni "r" dia pekat sikit. Tu yg jadi "gha" mcm huruf "ghain" dalam huruf arab hijaiyyah) Nama yg lebih dikenali di negeri2 lain di Malaysia "Bubur Assyura" Haaa sekarang dah terjawab sikit persoalan kan amende lah makanan ni hehe. Cumanya bubur assyura di negeri2 lain adalah lebih seperti bubur lambuk i.e. bubur nasi yg di tambah daging, ayam, sayur2an dan kebiasaannya warnanya putih @ kelabu sedikit. Sugha atau bubur assyura di negeri kelantan agak berbeza kerana ia menggunakan lebih banyak rempah ratus dan lebih daging. Malah, ianya bukan sahaja di masak bersama2 di surau namun juga di masak oleh peniaga2 dan dijual ketika bulan muharram. Cuba lihat gambar tadi. Sugha asasnya adalah yg berwarna kelabu gelap itu. Kemudian di tambah 'lauk' dgn telu...

About Me

Now, before you continue reading my post,you might be wondering, who is this wierdo postibg so many things about kelantan, as if it is super interesting? Well, for one, I am not a Kelantanese. I was not born in Kelantan nor do I stay there. I was born in Kuala Lumpur and currently stays in Selangor. However, my family moved to Kelantan when I was little and stayed there until I was eight. That was when we moved to Selangor. But little did I know of my destiny in this uniquely remarkable state. I married a Kelantanese (technically he was born in Selangor but his whole family is and currently stays in Kelantan). So every now and then, we do go back there to visit his side of the family. Dont you think Kelantan is interesting ? It is the only state that has never been ruled by the governing party. It has its own dialect that is very different than others. It even calls people from other state "ore luar" which literally means outsiders. Like we are such strangers. It has m...

Teh Madu Pak Mat Pulau Pisang

Have you ever tasted a mouth watering explosion ? Yep, you heard me right. An explosion. And it is definitely mouth watering, isn't it ? Now let me introduce you to the all famous Teh Madu or literally translated as Honey Tea. This new invention has been around for a couple of years now, and is very much famous at its original location - Pak Mat Pulau Pisang. If you are in Malaysia, you should definitely head east to the East Coast state of Kelantan, where this delicious tea was invented. It is only 7 km away from the Masjid Muhammadi, which is in the capital city of Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Just to be clear, the name of the restaurant is Restoran Pak Mat. It is located in Kampung Pulau Pisang, Kedai Buloh. It is open from 8am to 3pm, so you can have this yummy goodness from breakfast or lunch. It comes in three variations :- hot (RM4), cold (RM4), float (RM10). Now if you are wondering how the float looks like, this is it. Yes, you guessed right, it is honey t...